Source code for napari.plugins._plugin_manager

import importlib.util
import sys
import warnings
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from types import FunctionType
from typing import (
from warnings import warn

from napari_plugin_engine import HookImplementation
from napari_plugin_engine import PluginManager as PluginManager
from napari_plugin_engine.hooks import HookCaller
from pydantic import ValidationError
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from ..settings import get_settings
from ..types import AugmentedWidget, LayerData, SampleDict, WidgetCallable
from ..utils._appdirs import user_site_packages
from import EmitterGroup, EventedSet
from ..utils.misc import camel_to_spaces, running_as_bundled_app
from ..utils.theme import Theme, register_theme, unregister_theme
from ..utils.translations import trans
from . import _builtins, hook_specifications

class PluginHookOption(TypedDict):
    """Custom type specifying plugin and enabled state."""

    plugin: str
    enabled: bool

CallOrderDict = Dict[str, List[PluginHookOption]]

[docs]class NapariPluginManager(PluginManager): """PluginManager subclass for napari-specific functionality. Notes ----- The events emitted by the plugin include: * registered (value: str) Emitted after plugin named `value` has been registered. * unregistered (value: str) Emitted after plugin named `value` has been unregistered. * enabled (value: str) Emitted after plugin named `value` has been removed from the block list. * disabled (value: str) Emitted after plugin named `value` has been added to the block list. """ ENTRY_POINT = 'napari.plugin' def __init__(self): super().__init__('napari', discover_entry_point=self.ENTRY_POINT) = EmitterGroup( source=self, registered=None, unregistered=None, enabled=None, disabled=None, ) self._blocked: EventedSet[str] = EventedSet() with self.discovery_blocked(): self.add_hookspecs(hook_specifications) # dicts to store maps from extension -> plugin_name self._extension2reader: Dict[str, str] = {} self._extension2writer: Dict[str, str] = {} self._sample_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, SampleDict]] = {} self._dock_widgets: Dict[ str, Dict[str, Tuple[WidgetCallable, Dict[str, Any]]] ] = {} self._function_widgets: Dict[str, Dict[str, Callable[..., Any]]] = {} self._theme_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Theme]] = dict() if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and running_as_bundled_app(): sys.path.append(user_site_packages()) def _initialize(self): with self.discovery_blocked(): self.register(_builtins, name='builtins') if importlib.util.find_spec("skimage") is not None: from . import _skimage_data self.register(_skimage_data, name='scikit-image') from ..settings import get_settings # dicts to store maps from extension -> plugin_name plugin_settings = get_settings().plugins self._extension2reader.update(plugin_settings.extension2reader) self._extension2writer.update(plugin_settings.extension2writer)
[docs] def register( self, namespace: Any, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: name = super().register(namespace, name=name) if name: return name
[docs] def unregister( self, name_or_object: Any, ) -> Optional[Any]: if isinstance(name_or_object, str): _name = name_or_object else: _name = self.get_name(name_or_object) plugin = super().unregister(name_or_object) # unregister any theme that was associated with the # unregistered plugin self.unregister_theme_colors(_name) # remove widgets, sample data, theme data for _dict in ( self._dock_widgets, self._sample_data, self._theme_data, self._function_widgets, ): _dict.pop(_name, None) # type: ignore return plugin
def _on_blocked_change(self, event): # things that are "added to the blocked list" become disabled for item in event.added: # things that are "removed from the blocked list" become enabled for item in event.removed: if event.removed: # if an event was removed from the "disabled" list... # let's reregister. # TODO: might be able to be more direct here. get_settings().plugins.disabled_plugins = set(self._blocked)
[docs] def call_order(self, first_result_only=True) -> CallOrderDict: """Returns the call order from the plugin manager. Returns ------- call_order : CallOrderDict mapping of hook_specification name, to a list of dicts with keys: {'plugin', 'enabled'}. Plugins earlier in the dict are called sooner. """ order: CallOrderDict = {} for spec_name, caller in self.hooks.items(): # no need to save call order unless we only use first result if first_result_only and not caller.is_firstresult: continue impls = caller.get_hookimpls() # no need to save call order if there is only a single item if len(impls) > 1: order[spec_name] = [ {'plugin': impl.plugin_name, 'enabled': impl.enabled} for impl in reversed(impls) ] return order
[docs] def set_call_order(self, new_order: CallOrderDict): """Sets the plugin manager call order to match settings plugin values. Note: Run this after load_settings_plugin_defaults, which sets the default values in settings. Parameters ---------- new_order : CallOrderDict mapping of hook_specification name, to a list of dicts with keys: {'plugin', 'enabled'}. Plugins earlier in the dict are called sooner. """ for spec_name, hook_caller in self.hooks.items(): if spec_name in new_order: order = [] for p in new_order.get(spec_name, []): try: # the plugin may not be there if its been disabled. hook_caller._set_plugin_enabled( p['plugin'], p['enabled'] ) order.append(p['plugin']) except KeyError: continue if order: hook_caller.bring_to_front(order)
# SAMPLE DATA ---------------------------
[docs] def register_sample_data( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[..., Iterable[LayerData]]]], hookimpl: HookImplementation, ): """Register sample data dict returned by `napari_provide_sample_data`. Each key in `data` is a `sample_name` (the string that will appear in the `Open Sample` menu), and the value is either a string, or a callable that returns an iterable of ``LayerData`` tuples, where each tuple is a 1-, 2-, or 3-tuple of ``(data,)``, ``(data, meta)``, or ``(data, meta, layer_type)``. Parameters ---------- data : Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[..., Iterable[LayerData]]]] A mapping of {sample_name->data} hookimpl : HookImplementation The hook implementation that returned the dict """ plugin_name = hookimpl.plugin_name hook_name = 'napari_provide_sample_data' if not isinstance(data, dict): warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided a non-dict object to {hook_name!r}: data ignored.', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, hook_name=hook_name, ) warn(message=warn_message) return _data: Dict[str, SampleDict] = {} for name, _datum in list(data.items()): if isinstance(_datum, dict): datum: SampleDict = _datum if 'data' not in _datum or 'display_name' not in _datum: warn_message = trans._( 'In {hook_name!r}, plugin {plugin_name!r} provided an invalid dict object for key {name!r} that does not have required keys: "data" and "display_name". Ignoring', deferred=True, hook_name=hook_name, plugin_name=plugin_name, name=name, ) warn(message=warn_message) continue else: datum = {'data': _datum, 'display_name': name} if not ( callable(datum['data']) or isinstance(datum['data'], (str, Path)) ): warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided invalid data for key {name!r} in the dict returned by {hook_name!r}. (Must be str, callable, or dict), got ({dtype}).', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, name=name, hook_name=hook_name, dtype=type(datum["data"]), ) warn(message=warn_message) continue _data[name] = datum if plugin_name not in self._sample_data: self._sample_data[plugin_name] = {} self._sample_data[plugin_name].update(_data)
[docs] def available_samples(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]: """Return a tuple of sample data keys provided by plugins. Returns ------- sample_keys : Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...] A sequence of 2-tuples ``(plugin_name, sample_name)`` showing available sample data provided by plugins. To load sample data into the viewer, use :meth:`napari.Viewer.open_sample`. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from napari.plugins import available_samples sample_keys = available_samples() if sample_keys: # load first available sample viewer.open_sample(*sample_keys[0]) """ return tuple( (p, s) for p in self._sample_data for s in self._sample_data[p] )
# THEME DATA ------------------------------------
[docs] def register_theme_colors( self, data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple, List]]], hookimpl: HookImplementation, ): """Register theme data dict returned by `napari_experimental_provide_theme`. The `theme` data should be provided as an iterable containing dictionary of values, where the ``folder`` value will be used as theme name. """ plugin_name = hookimpl.plugin_name hook_name = '`napari_experimental_provide_theme`' if not isinstance(data, Dict): warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided a non-dict object to {hook_name!r}: data ignored', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, hook_name=hook_name, ) warn(message=warn_message) return _data = {} for theme_name, theme_colors in data.items(): try: theme = Theme.parse_obj(theme_colors) register_theme(theme_name, theme) _data[theme_name] = theme except (KeyError, ValidationError) as err: warn_msg = trans._( "In {hook_name!r}, plugin {plugin_name!r} provided an invalid dict object for creating themes. {err!r}", deferred=True, hook_name=hook_name, plugin_name=plugin_name, err=err, ) warn(message=warn_msg) continue if plugin_name not in self._theme_data: self._theme_data[plugin_name] = {} self._theme_data[plugin_name].update(_data)
[docs] def unregister_theme_colors(self, plugin_name: str): """Unregister theme data from napari.""" if plugin_name not in self._theme_data: return # unregister all themes that were provided by the plugins for theme_name in self._theme_data[plugin_name]: unregister_theme(theme_name) # since its possible that disabled/removed plugin was providing the # current theme, we check for this explicitly and if this the case, # theme is automatically changed to default `dark` theme settings = get_settings() current_theme = settings.appearance.theme if current_theme in self._theme_data[plugin_name]: settings.appearance.theme = "dark" # type: ignore warnings.warn( message=trans._( "The current theme {current_theme!r} was provided by the plugin {plugin_name!r} which was disabled or removed. Switched theme to the default.", deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, current_theme=current_theme, ) )
[docs] def discover_themes(self): """Trigger discovery of theme plugins. As a "historic" hook, this should only need to be called once. (historic here means that even plugins that are discovered after this is called will be added.) """ if self._theme_data: return self.hook.napari_experimental_provide_theme.call_historic( result_callback=partial(self.register_theme_colors), with_impl=True )
# FUNCTION & DOCK WIDGETS ----------------------- def iter_widgets(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]: from itertools import chain, repeat dock_widgets = zip(repeat("dock"), self._dock_widgets.items()) func_widgets = zip(repeat("func"), self._function_widgets.items()) yield from chain(dock_widgets, func_widgets) # type: ignore [misc] def register_dock_widget( self, args: Union[AugmentedWidget, List[AugmentedWidget]], hookimpl: HookImplementation, ): plugin_name = hookimpl.plugin_name hook_name = '`napari_experimental_provide_dock_widget`' for arg in args if isinstance(args, list) else [args]: if isinstance(arg, tuple): if not arg: warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided an invalid tuple to {hook_name}. Skipping', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, hook_name=hook_name, ) warn(message=warn_message) continue _cls = arg[0] kwargs = arg[1] if len(arg) > 1 else {} else: _cls, kwargs = (arg, {}) if not callable(_cls): warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided a non-callable object (widget) to {hook_name}: {_cls!r}. Widget ignored.', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, hook_name=hook_name, _cls=_cls, ) warn(message=warn_message) continue if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided invalid kwargs to {hook_name} for class {clsname}. Widget ignored.', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, hook_name=hook_name, clsname=_cls.__name__, ) warn(message=warn_message) continue # Get widget name name = str(kwargs.get('name', '')) or camel_to_spaces( _cls.__name__ ) if plugin_name not in self._dock_widgets: # tried defaultdict(dict) but got odd KeyErrors... self._dock_widgets[plugin_name] = {} elif name in self._dock_widgets[plugin_name]: warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} has already registered a dock widget {name!r} which has now been overwritten', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, name=name, ) warn(message=warn_message) self._dock_widgets[plugin_name][name] = (_cls, kwargs) def register_function_widget( self, args: Union[Callable, List[Callable]], hookimpl: HookImplementation, ): plugin_name = hookimpl.plugin_name hook_name = '`napari_experimental_provide_function`' for func in args if isinstance(args, list) else [args]: if not isinstance(func, FunctionType): warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provided a non-callable type to {hook_name}: {functype!r}. Function widget ignored.', deferred=True, functype=type(func), plugin_name=plugin_name, hook_name=hook_name, ) if isinstance(func, tuple): warn_message += trans._( " To provide multiple function widgets please use a LIST of callables", deferred=True, ) warn(message=warn_message) continue # Get function name name = func.__name__.replace('_', ' ') if plugin_name not in self._function_widgets: # tried defaultdict(dict) but got odd KeyErrors... self._function_widgets[plugin_name] = {} elif name in self._function_widgets[plugin_name]: warn_message = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} has already registered a function widget {name!r} which has now been overwritten', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, name=name, ) warn(message=warn_message) self._function_widgets[plugin_name][name] = func def discover_sample_data(self): if self._sample_data: return self.hook.napari_provide_sample_data.call_historic( result_callback=partial(self.register_sample_data), with_impl=True )
[docs] def discover_widgets(self): """Trigger discovery of dock_widgets plugins. As a "historic" hook, this should only need to be called once. (historic here means that even plugins that are discovered after this is called will be added.) """ if self._dock_widgets: return self.hook.napari_experimental_provide_dock_widget.call_historic( partial(self.register_dock_widget), with_impl=True ) self.hook.napari_experimental_provide_function.call_historic( partial(self.register_function_widget), with_impl=True )
[docs] def get_widget( self, plugin_name: str, widget_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[WidgetCallable, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get widget `widget_name` provided by plugin `plugin_name`. Note: it's important that :func:`discover_dock_widgets` has been called first, otherwise plugins may not be found yet. (Typically, that is done in qt_main_window) Parameters ---------- plugin_name : str Name of a plugin providing a widget widget_name : str, optional Name of a widget provided by `plugin_name`. If `None`, and the specified plugin provides only a single widget, that widget will be returned, otherwise a ValueError will be raised, by default None Returns ------- plugin_widget : Tuple[Callable, dict] Tuple of (widget_class, options). Raises ------ KeyError If plugin `plugin_name` does not provide any widgets KeyError If plugin does not provide a widget named `widget_name`. ValueError If `widget_name` is not provided, but `plugin_name` provides more than one widget """ plg_wdgs = self._dock_widgets.get(plugin_name) if not plg_wdgs: msg = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} does not provide any dock widgets', plugin_name=plugin_name, deferred=True, ) raise KeyError(msg) if not widget_name: if len(plg_wdgs) > 1: msg = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} provides more than 1 dock_widget. Must also provide "widget_name" from {avail}', avail=set(plg_wdgs), plugin_name=plugin_name, deferred=True, ) raise ValueError(msg) widget_name = list(plg_wdgs)[0] else: if widget_name not in plg_wdgs: msg = trans._( 'Plugin {plugin_name!r} does not provide a widget named {widget_name!r}', plugin_name=plugin_name, widget_name=widget_name, deferred=True, ) raise KeyError(msg) return plg_wdgs[widget_name]
[docs] def get_reader_for_extension(self, extension: str) -> Optional[str]: """Return reader plugin assigned to `extension`, or None.""" return self._get_plugin_for_extension(extension, type_='reader')
[docs] def assign_reader_to_extensions( self, reader: str, extensions: Union[str, Iterable[str]] ) -> None: """Assign a specific reader plugin to `extensions`. Parameters ---------- reader : str Name of a plugin offering a reader hook. extensions : Union[str, Iterable[str]] Name(s) of extensions to always write with `reader` """ from ..settings import get_settings self._assign_plugin_to_extensions(reader, extensions, type_='reader') extension2readers = get_settings().plugins.extension2reader get_settings().plugins.extension2reader = { **extension2readers, **self._extension2reader, }
[docs] def get_writer_for_extension(self, extension: str) -> Optional[str]: """Return writer plugin assigned to `extension`, or None.""" return self._get_plugin_for_extension(extension, type_='writer')
[docs] def assign_writer_to_extensions( self, writer: str, extensions: Union[str, Iterable[str]] ) -> None: """Assign a specific writer plugin to `extensions`. Parameters ---------- writer : str Name of a plugin offering a writer hook. extensions : Union[str, Iterable[str]] Name(s) of extensions to always write with `writer` """ from ..settings import get_settings self._assign_plugin_to_extensions(writer, extensions, type_='writer') get_settings().plugins.extension2writer = self._extension2writer
def _get_plugin_for_extension( self, extension: str, type_: str ) -> Optional[str]: """helper method for public get_<type_>_for_extension functions.""" ext_map = getattr(self, f'_extension2{type_}', None) if ext_map is None: raise ValueError( trans._( "invalid plugin type: {type_!r}", deferred=True, type_=type_, ) ) if not extension.startswith("."): extension = f".{extension}" plugin = ext_map.get(extension) # make sure it's still an active plugin if plugin and (plugin not in self.plugins): del self.ext_map[plugin] return None return plugin def _assign_plugin_to_extensions( self, plugin: str, extensions: Union[str, Iterable[str]], type_: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """helper method for public assign_<type_>_to_extensions functions.""" caller: HookCaller = getattr(self.hook, f'napari_get_{type_}', None) if caller is None: raise ValueError( trans._( "invalid plugin type: {type_!r}", deferred=True, type_=type_, ) ) plugins = caller.get_hookimpls() if plugin not in {p.plugin_name for p in plugins}: msg = trans._( "{plugin!r} is not a valid {type_} plugin name", plugin=plugin, type_=type_, deferred=True, ) raise ValueError(msg) ext_map = getattr(self, f'_extension2{type_}') if isinstance(extensions, str): extensions = [extensions] for ext in extensions: if not ext.startswith("."): ext = f".{ext}" ext_map[ext] = plugin # give warning that plugin *may* not be able to read that extension try: func = caller._call_plugin(plugin, path=f'_testing_{ext}') except Exception: pass if func is None: msg = trans._( 'plugin {plugin!r} did not return a {type_} function when provided a path ending in {ext!r}. This *may* indicate a typo?', deferred=True, plugin=plugin, type_=type_, ext=ext, ) warn(msg)