Source code for npe2.manifest.schema

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from importlib import util
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union

from pydantic import Extra, Field, ValidationError, root_validator, validator
from pydantic.error_wrappers import ErrorWrapper
from pydantic.main import BaseModel, ModelMetaclass

from ..types import PythonName
from . import _validators
from ._bases import ImportExportModel
from .contributions import ContributionPoints
from .package_metadata import PackageMetadata
from .utils import Version

    from importlib import metadata
except ImportError:
    import importlib_metadata as metadata  # type: ignore

    from importlib.metadata import EntryPoint

logger = getLogger(__name__)

ENTRY_POINT = "napari.manifest"

class DiscoverResults(NamedTuple):
    manifest: Optional[PluginManifest]
    entrypoint: Optional[EntryPoint]
    error: Optional[Exception]

[docs]class PluginManifest(ImportExportModel): # VS Code uses <publisher>.<name> as a unique ID for the extension # should this just be the package name ... not the module name? (yes) # do we normalize this? (i.e. underscores / dashes ?) (no) # TODO: enforce that this matches the package name name: str = Field( ..., description="The name of the plugin. Though this field is mandatory, it *must*" " match the package `name` as defined in the python package metadata.", ) _validate_name = validator("name", pre=True, allow_reuse=True)( _validators.package_name ) display_name: str = Field( "", description="User-facing text to display as the name of this plugin", # Must be 3-40 characters long, containing printable word characters, # and must not begin or end with an underscore, white space, or # non-word character. ) _validate_display_name = validator("display_name", allow_reuse=True)( _validators.display_name ) # Plugins rely on certain guarantees to interoperate propertly with the # plugin engine. These include the manifest specification, conventions # around python packaging, command api's, etc. Together these form a # "contract". The version of this contract is the "schema version." # # The first release of npe2 defines the first schema version. # As the contract around plugins evolve the SCHEMA_VERSION should be # increased follow SemVer rules. Note that sometimes the version number # will change even though no npe2 code changes. # # The `schema_version` field declares the version of the contract that this # plugin targets. schema_version: str = Field( SCHEMA_VERSION, description="A SemVer compatible version string matching the napari plugin " "schema version that the plugin is compatible with.", always_export=True, ) # TODO: # Perhaps we should version the plugin interface (not so the manifest, but # the actual mechanism/consumption of plugin information) independently # of napari itself on_activate: Optional[PythonName] = Field( default=None, description="Fully qualified python path to a function that will be called " "upon plugin activation (e.g. `'my_plugin.some_module:activate'`). The " "activate function can be used to connect command ids to python callables, or" " perform other side-effects. A plugin will be 'activated' when one of its " "contributions is requested by the user (such as a widget, or reader).", ) _validate_activate_func = validator("on_activate", allow_reuse=True)( _validators.python_name ) on_deactivate: Optional[PythonName] = Field( default=None, description="Fully qualified python path to a function that will be called " "when a user deactivates a plugin (e.g. `'my_plugin.some_module:deactivate'`)" ". This is optional, and may be used to perform any plugin cleanup.", ) _validate_deactivate_func = validator("on_deactivate", allow_reuse=True)( _validators.python_name ) contributions: Optional[ContributionPoints] = Field( None, description="An object describing the plugin's " "[contributions](./contributions)", ) package_metadata: Optional[PackageMetadata] = Field( None, description="Package metadata following " " " "For normal (non-dynamic) plugins, this data will come from the package's " "setup.cfg", hide_docs=True, ) @property def license(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.package_metadata.license if self.package_metadata else None @property def package_version(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.package_metadata.version if self.package_metadata else None @property def description(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.package_metadata.summary if self.package_metadata else None @property def author(self) -> Optional[str]: return if self.package_metadata else None @root_validator def _validate_root(cls, values: dict) -> dict: # validate schema version declared_version = Version.parse(values.get("schema_version", "")) current_version = Version.parse(SCHEMA_VERSION) if current_version < declared_version: raise ValueError( dedent( f"The declared schema version '{declared_version}' is " f"newer than npe2's schema version: '{current_version}'. You may " "need to upgrade npe2." ) ) mf_name = values.get("name") invalid_commands = [] if values.get("contributions") is not None: for command in values["contributions"].commands or []: id_start_actual =".")[0] if mf_name != id_start_actual: invalid_commands.append( if invalid_commands: raise ValueError( dedent( f"""Commands identifiers must start with the current package name {mf_name!r} the following commands where found to break this assumption: {invalid_commands} """ ) ) return values
[docs] @classmethod def from_distribution(cls, name: str) -> PluginManifest: """Return PluginManifest given a distribution (package) name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of a python distribution installed in the environment. Note: this is the package name, not the top level module name, (e.g. "scikit-image", not "skimage"). Returns ------- PluginManifest The parsed manifest. Raises ------ ValueError If the distribution exists, but does not provide a manifest PackageNotFoundError If there is no distribution found for `name` ValidationError If the manifest is not valid """ dist = metadata.distribution(name) # may raise PackageNotFoundError for ep in dist.entry_points: if == ENTRY_POINT: return PluginManifest._from_entrypoint(ep, dist) raise ValueError( "Distribution {name!r} exists but does not provide a napari manifest" )
class Config: underscore_attrs_are_private = True extra = Extra.forbid
[docs] @classmethod def discover( cls, entry_point_group: str = ENTRY_POINT, paths: Sequence[Union[str, Path]] = (), ) -> Iterator[DiscoverResults]: """Discover manifests in the environment. This function searches for installed python packages with a matching entry point group and then attempts to resolve the manifest file. The manifest file should be specified in the plugin's `setup.cfg` or `` file using the [entry point group][1]: "napari.manifest". For example, this would be the section for a plugin "npe-tester" with "napari.yaml" as the manifest file: ```cfg [options.entry_points] napari.manifest = npe2-tester = npe2_tester:napari.yaml ``` The manifest file is specified relative to the submodule root path. So for the example it will be loaded from: `<path/to/npe2-tester>/napari.yaml`. [1]: Parameters ---------- entry_point_group : str, optional name of entry point group to discover, by default 'napari.manifest' paths : Sequence[str], optional paths to add to sys.path while discovering. Yields ------ DiscoverResults: (3 namedtuples: manifest, entrypoint, error) 3-tuples with either manifest or (entrypoint and error) being None. """ with _temporary_path_additions(paths): for dist in metadata.distributions(): for ep in dist.entry_points: if != entry_point_group: continue try: pm = cls._from_entrypoint(ep, dist) yield DiscoverResults(pm, ep, None) except ValidationError as e: logger.warning(msg=f"Invalid schema {ep.value!r}") yield DiscoverResults(None, ep, e) except Exception as e: logger.error( "%s -> %r could not be imported: %s" % (entry_point_group, ep.value, e) ) yield DiscoverResults(None, ep, e)
@classmethod def _from_entrypoint( cls, entry_point: EntryPoint, distribution: Optional[metadata.Distribution] = None, ) -> PluginManifest: match = entry_point.pattern.match(entry_point.value) # type: ignore module ="module") spec = util.find_spec(module or "") if not spec: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"Cannot find module {module!r} declared in " f"entrypoint: {entry_point.value!r}" ) match = entry_point.pattern.match(entry_point.value) # type: ignore fname ="attr") for loc in spec.submodule_search_locations or []: mf_file = Path(loc) / fname if mf_file.exists(): mf = PluginManifest.from_file(mf_file) if distribution is not None: meta = PackageMetadata.from_dist_metadata(distribution.metadata) mf.package_metadata = meta assert ==, "Manifest name must match package name" return mf raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover f"Could not find file {fname!r} in module {module!r}" ) @classmethod def _from_package_or_name( cls, package_or_filename: Union[Path, str] ) -> PluginManifest: """Internal convenience function, calls both `from_file` and `from_distribution` Parameters ---------- package_or_filename : Union[Path, str] Either a filename or a package name. Will be tried first as a filename, and then as a distribution name. Returns ------- PluginManifest [description] Raises ------ ValidationError If the name can be resolved as either a distribution name or a file, but the manifest is not valid. ValueError If the name does not resolve to either a distribution name or a filename. """ from pydantic import ValidationError from npe2 import PluginManifest try: return PluginManifest.from_file(package_or_filename) except ValidationError: # pragma: no cover raise except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): try: return PluginManifest.from_distribution(str(package_or_filename)) except ValidationError: # pragma: no cover raise except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f"Could not find manifest for {package_or_filename!r} as either a " "package name or a file.." ) from e
[docs] def validate_imports(self) -> None: """Checks recursively that all `python_name` fields are actually importable.""" from .utils import import_python_name errors = [] def check_pynames(m: BaseModel, loc=()): for name, value in m: if not value: continue if isinstance(value, BaseModel): return check_pynames(value, (*loc, name)) field = m.__fields__[name] if isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(field.type_, ModelMetaclass): return [check_pynames(i, (*loc, n)) for n, i in enumerate(value)] if field.outer_type_ is PythonName: try: import_python_name(value) except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e: errors.append(ErrorWrapper(e, (*loc, name))) check_pynames(self) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors, type(self))
ValidationError = ValidationError # for convenience of access
@contextmanager def _temporary_path_additions(paths: Sequence[Union[str, Path]] = ()): for p in reversed(paths): sys.path.insert(0, str(p)) try: yield finally: for p in paths: sys.path.remove(str(p)) if __name__ == "__main__": print(PluginManifest.schema_json(indent=2))